Lds Trivia Questions For Primary

Immerse yourself in the rich history, doctrines, and culture of the LDS faith with our comprehensive LDS trivia questions for primary. Designed to engage and educate, these questions cover a wide range of topics, from the founding of the church to the teachings of prophets and apostles.

Whether you’re preparing for a Primary lesson, hosting a family game night, or simply seeking to deepen your understanding of LDS beliefs, these trivia questions provide an entertaining and informative way to explore the diverse aspects of the LDS faith.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary: History

Lds trivia questions for primary

Delve into the rich history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through these engaging trivia questions designed for Primary-aged children.

Our journey through time will cover pivotal events and influential figures that shaped the Church’s remarkable story.

Founding of the Church

The Church’s founding was a transformative period marked by divine revelation and dedicated followers.

  • The Church was officially organized on April 6, 1830, in Fayette, New York.
  • Joseph Smith, Jr. was the founding prophet and first President of the Church.
  • The Book of Mormon, a sacred text, was published in 1830 and became a cornerstone of the Church’s beliefs.

Early Leaders, Lds trivia questions for primary

Dedicated leaders guided the Church through its formative years, fostering growth and establishing foundational principles.

  • Brigham Young led the Saints to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, establishing a new home for the Church.
  • Wilford Woodruff, the fourth President of the Church, received the revelation ending the practice of plural marriage in 1890.
  • Heber J. Grant, the seventh President of the Church, emphasized education and welfare programs.

Significant Milestones

The Church’s history is punctuated by significant milestones that shaped its trajectory and influenced its members.

  • The Nauvoo Temple, the first temple built by the Saints, was dedicated in 1846.
  • The Utah Territory was established in 1850, with Brigham Young as its first governor.
  • The Church received official recognition from the United States government in 1890.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary: Doctrine and Beliefs

The following table presents LDS trivia questions related to doctrine and beliefs, organized into categories:

Category Question
Articles of Faith The first Article of Faith states that we believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Plan of Salvation The Plan of Salvation is a plan of progression that allows us to return to live with God again.
Temple Ordinances Temple ordinances are sacred ceremonies that help us progress on the path to eternal life.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary

Test your knowledge of the scriptures with these trivia questions for Primary children. These questions cover a range of topics from the Bible, Book of Mormon, and other LDS scriptures.

Understanding the scriptures is an important part of our faith. By learning about the stories, characters, and teachings in the scriptures, we can strengthen our testimonies and draw closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary: Scriptures

  • In the Bible, who was the first man created by God?
  • Who was the prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
  • In the Book of Mormon, who was the young boy who saw God the Father and Jesus Christ?
  • Who was the prophet who wrote the Book of Mormon?
  • What is the name of the angel who appeared to Mary and told her she would have a son?
  • In the Bible, who was the king who ordered the death of all the baby boys in Bethlehem?
  • Who was the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with oil?
  • In the Book of Mormon, who was the leader of the Nephites who was known for his great faith?
  • Who was the prophet who translated the Book of Mormon?
  • What is the name of the scripture that contains the teachings of Jesus Christ?

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary

LDS temples are sacred buildings where members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints perform ordinances such as baptisms, marriages, and sealings. Temples are also used for other sacred purposes, such as receiving personal revelation and attending endowment ceremonies.

The priesthood is the authority given to men to act in the name of God. Priesthood holders are authorized to perform certain ordinances and blessings, such as administering the sacrament, blessing the sick, and giving priesthood blessings. There are two types of priesthood: the Aaronic Priesthood and the Melchizedek Priesthood.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary: Temples and Priesthood

  • What is the name of the first temple built by the Latter-day Saints?
  • What is the purpose of a temple?
  • Who is authorized to enter a temple?
  • What is the Aaronic Priesthood?
  • What is the Melchizedek Priesthood?
  • What are some of the ordinances performed in the temple?
  • What are some of the blessings that can be received through the priesthood?

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary is a fun and educational way to learn more about the history, teachings, and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These questions are designed to be accessible to children of all ages, and they cover a wide range of topics, from the early days of the Church to the present day.

paragraphProphets and apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ. They are called to lead the Church and to teach the gospel to the world. Throughout history, many prophets and apostles have made significant contributions to the Church. Their teachings, leadership, and examples have helped to shape the Church into what it is today.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary: Prophets and Apostles

  • Joseph Smith was the first prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He translated the Book of Mormon and organized the Church in 1830.
  • Brigham Young was the second president of the Church. He led the Saints on their westward journey to Utah and established the city of Salt Lake City.
  • Wilford Woodruff was the fourth president of the Church. He received the revelation that ended the practice of polygamy in the Church.
  • Lorenzo Snow was the fifth president of the Church. He encouraged members to pay their tithing and to build temples.
  • Joseph F. Smith was the sixth president of the Church. He dedicated the Salt Lake Temple and oversaw the construction of the Church Office Building.
  • Heber J. Grant was the seventh president of the Church. He emphasized the importance of missionary work and established the welfare program.
  • George Albert Smith was the eighth president of the Church. He served during World War II and encouraged members to be patriotic and to support the war effort.
  • David O. McKay was the ninth president of the Church. He dedicated the Los Angeles Temple and established the Church Educational System.
  • Joseph Fielding Smith was the tenth president of the Church. He emphasized the importance of following the prophet and of living the gospel.
  • Harold B. Lee was the eleventh president of the Church. He taught the importance of being self-reliant and of preparing for the future.
  • Spencer W. Kimball was the twelfth president of the Church. He dedicated the Washington D.C. Temple and emphasized the importance of missionary work.
  • Ezra Taft Benson was the thirteenth president of the Church. He taught the importance of being obedient to God’s commandments and of living a righteous life.
  • Howard W. Hunter was the fourteenth president of the Church. He dedicated the Orlando Florida Temple and emphasized the importance of temple worship.
  • Gordon B. Hinckley was the fifteenth president of the Church. He dedicated the Nauvoo Illinois Temple and oversaw the construction of many new temples around the world.
  • Thomas S. Monson was the sixteenth president of the Church. He dedicated the Brigham City Utah Temple and emphasized the importance of being kind and compassionate to others.
  • Russell M. Nelson is the seventeenth and current president of the Church. He has emphasized the importance of following the prophet and of living the gospel.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary

LDS missionary work plays a crucial role in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing the blessings of the restored gospel with the world.

Missionaries are called to serve two-year missions, where they teach the gospel, provide service, and invite others to come unto Christ.

Missionary Work and Church Growth

  • The first missionaries were called in 1830, shortly after the Church was organized.
  • The Church has experienced remarkable growth since its early days, with over 16 million members worldwide.
  • Missionaries have played a vital role in this growth, sharing the gospel in over 150 countries and territories.
  • Missionaries serve in a variety of roles, including teaching, proselyting, and providing humanitarian aid.
  • The missionary program is a central part of the Church’s efforts to fulfill its divine mandate to preach the gospel to all nations.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary

Music and hymns play a vital role in LDS worship, fostering spiritual experiences and strengthening testimonies. These trivia questions explore the rich musical heritage of the LDS Church.

LDS Trivia Questions for Primary: Music and Hymns

  • Hymn writer Eliza R. Snow wrote over 500 hymns, including the popular “O My Father.”
  • The hymn “Come, Come, Ye Saints” was originally written by William Clayton as a marching song for the Mormon pioneers.
  • The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square is one of the world’s most renowned choirs, performing at international events and releasing numerous recordings.

  • The Mormon Tabernacle Organ is one of the largest pipe organs in the world, with over 11,000 pipes.
  • Music is considered a sacred form of worship in the LDS Church, believed to invite the Spirit and uplift the soul.

Top FAQs

What is the significance of the year 1830 in LDS history?

It marks the year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized.

Who was the first prophet of the LDS Church?

Joseph Smith Jr.

What is the name of the sacred text that contains the revelations given to Joseph Smith?

The Book of Mormon.

What is the purpose of LDS temples?

To provide a sacred space for ordinances such as baptism, marriage, and sealings.

What is the role of missionaries in the LDS Church?

To share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others and invite them to come unto Christ.